Film Enthusiast
The other Salvador's passion

Film Enthusiast
The other Salvador's passion

"I also love watching and reviewing films
I study a lot about directors, actors, and statistics of the cinematography industry".

"I also love watching and reviewing films
I study a lot about directors, actors, and statistics of the cinematography industry".

Beyond soccer, another of his greatest passions is the world of cinema. From storytelling to cinematography, he is captivated by every aspect of the film industry. On this page, he’ll share weekly movie recommendations, personal reviews, and insights into the films that inspire him. You can also explore his favorite picks and ratings on his Letterboxd profile, where he curates his unique film journey. Enjoy it :)

Beyond soccer, another of his greatest passions is the world of cinema. From storytelling to cinematography, he is captivated by every aspect of the film industry. On this page, he’ll share weekly movie recommendations, personal reviews, and insights into the films that inspire him. You can also explore his favorite picks and ratings on his Letterboxd profile, where he curates his unique film journey. Enjoy it :)

Movie of the Week

Movie of the Week

A film like this is extremely hard to verbally explain. More than a movie, its a living critique. It does a mind blowing job at marking a statement when it came to criticizing a society not much more different than ours when it comes to unequality and hatred. René Laloux focused on the depressing reality of power, war, racism, sexism, education and more. Every single second I spent watching this movie I felt the emotions and comprehension I think the movie wanted to transcend.

Fantastic Planet as a piece of cinematography itself on the other hand was incredibly deranged, and that is not always a bad thing. The surrealistic art painted throughout each well printed scene is delightful. The movement of each character and the emotion of fear you can see in their faces is amazing.

All the criticizing mixed with the intense music fitting with the demented and ambiguous pictures are wonderful. No moive has ever emotionally touched me like Fantastic Planet did. What a masterpiece.


Upcoming tournament: Las Vegas

Upcoming tournament: Las Vegas