There Is a very common question throughout humanity and it’s “Do you think humanity is losing its purpose while we dive deeper into the future?”. I have a specific answer which could be oversimplified as kind of neutral. I always answer:
“Civilization and humanity itself is evolving, and as usual evolution comes with pros and cons. A con is that we as a civilization and more importantly as one race. There is a lack of help between one another, most people aren’t civilized anymore. Sympathy has run out of most of our minds, no one thinks and analyzes what it is like having the same conflicts the other person has. Most people don't care what the other person feels or thinks. We only care about our own self, which is okay, but that doesn’t give us any right to treat the other person like they value. The pro is that we tend now to be more open with what we think, though many people don’t like that. It is becoming more common to express our thoughts and feelings. And many people take that fact and think that just makes civilization weaker and less “manly”. I just mean that the world will never be perfect and there will always be mistakes till the day it ends, but we as a race have gone through worse things, and we can somehow figure out an answer to peace throughout our mistakes and results.”
Salvador Aug 2024
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